What is Shiner?

Gooddoudouheadland is a highly developed country in Harakcoope, a planet you can learn about at Doudouhead.com.

In Doudouheadishe, a language used by the fabled land, Harakcoope, Shiner means good luck.


Shiner was once a city in the far side of Gooddoudouheadland. It was beautiful, golden and developed. This was all a very long time before humans came to Harakcoope.


Then, something called the Gold Storm struck. it hit Shiner with such force that it crumbled, buried for many,many years. Nobody really knew or now knows what the Gold storm was. (There is a study on it.)  Now Shiner is just recovering, but it is recovering and very poor, and never will be the same.


Shiner is a lucky word on New years and anytime in Gooddoudouheadland and known universally as good luck.